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Another Gift

by Kathleen Higham

It's such a lovely lovely sight
To see this delicate creature
Flittering in my flower bed
As gentle as our Teacher

The flurry of it's colorful wings
Dance elegantly in their flight
He gave us yet another gift
And what a sweet delight

And then an awesome feeling
With joy you've realized
God's presence in this little being
And your heart is mesmerized

For He has done enormous feats
We know this to be true
And the fluttering wings of a butterfly
Whispers "He makes all things new"

For life is short for these little ones
Yet they feel no grief or sorrow
And they can lift a spirit low
Bringing hope for a new tomorrow

But the butterfly it lives then dies
And precious is the day
That one will brush across your face
In God's own special way

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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