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The Rock Was Struck

by Liana Howarth © 2018

The Rock was struck, and out flew living water
The Rock was struck, and heaven’s treasures released
How wonderful to the dry parched pilgrim
Struggling to lift foot, because pride was increased

The Rock was struck, oh mercy and grace floweth
Man brought low; reluctant eyes summoned above
Heart whining; but body, provision kept whole
Refreshing streams soon quenched, abundant in love

The Rock was struck
The people cried
No more on self
Could one rely
The Rock was struck
But was it so
’Twas commanded
Say to this Rock
Anger prevailed
And promised land
Past veiled eyes sailed

The Rock was struck, instant relief was brought forth
But after awhile, stiff neck, hardened heart whined
We’re all the same, when one truly considers
Are we satisfied, or are we all just blind

The Rock was struck for you, upon Calvary’s tree
The Rock was struck for me, upon Calvary’s tree
This time though, out poured living water and life
Today, hear the truth people, and be set free

The Rock was struck
The people cried
No more on self
Could one rely
The Rock was struck
But was it so
’Twas commanded
Repent, believe
Sorrow prevailed
And promised land
His life, inhaled

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