A simple touch of loving hands,
inspired men in foreign lands,
who long to see their brides once more,
fighting with purpose in man's war.
When God formed man, He said, "not good."
Omniscience not yet understood,
"...not good that...man should be alone...,"
I'll make woman from his rib bone.
With bone of bone, and flesh of flesh,
God gave Adam His very best.
Both naked and yet not ashamed,
A marriage with no one yet blamed.
That perfect marriage didn't last.
Out of the garden they were cast.
Dysfunctional would be their home,
with Abel's death, Cain forced to roam.
The marriage struggles weave God's Word.
As Paul cautioned a church who heard,
Not good that man should ever touch,
The one he thinks he loves so much,
at least until they're proper wed,
and keep those vows until one's dead.
If only now we would still heed,
the words of Paul, we might not need,
to hear debates, Pro-Choice / Pro-Life.
First, men be men, and take to wife,
and love your kids, don't ever bail.
(condemned worse than an infidel)
A simple touch can spark a flame,
leaving you both to be at blame.
So heed the Word, as others learned,
Don't trust your heart, it can't discern.
This poem won second place for the
August 2020 poetry contest