We hear the clank of chains around the land
Their dark metallic music is at hand
To falsify the world; its furrowed way
Entrenched by wheels of habit over years
A standard route producing many fears
And hopelessness that leads poor man astray
How deep the marshy soil of man's despond
His chosen drug of choice becomes his bond
Each link is cast in thicker steel to hold
The captives bound with their addictions grasp
That beckon with a mesmerising clasp
Their freedom's choice is but a life controlled.
Why will mankind not see the Way of Life
So often opt for anarchy and strife?
Their eyes are blind to what they long to see
True freedom that God's Man procured for them
Whose death removed the sting that sins condemn
God's loving heart was nailed upon the Tree.
The searing of those chains brings hope to all
That high almighty love would break the wall
Of Satan's lie that all his chains are strong
But powerless to the wearers all along
When dipped in blood in answer to God's call.
The open grave has rolled back Satan's claims
Illusion of the tightness of his chains Surrounded now by broken links, that free
The stricken flesh, that earlier was torn
And now begins to heal, the heart reborn
All sins cast far into the endless sea.
For we are chained, but now with chains of love
A magnet drawing us to realms above
Where He, a dwelling place for us will build
And where with all His Grace, our hearts on fire
Will join with joyful awe, His heavenly choir
And voices burst in praise, with spirits filled.