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by Peter the Poet © 2024

Do I love you or hate you, that is the question
As I tell you some things that I feel need to mention,
The things that I say may cause you some angst
And after they're said, you may want to give thanks.
But if not giving thanks then you'll probably be furious,
Condemning my words as rubbish and spurious.

So let's test the water, I'll be diving straight in,
I'll bring to your attention a thing that's called sin,
It's dark and insidious, it resides in our nature,
It's the very reason that all men need a Saviour,
So come take a look down deep in our hearts,
Let's find a way forward, what wisdom imparts.

The way of the world says you make your own truth,
You can live how you want from the time of your youth,
Do what you please and let others do the same,
Life is for living, just an entertaining game,
Nobody can dictate the way you should go,
You are the star and producer in your own show.

Anyone who dares to change your direction,
By saying your actions are of evil intention,
Or asks you to re-think your long term goals,
For the sake of your immortal soul,
Then that person is hateful and wants to do harm,
Take away your rights and cause you alarm.

That person is guilty of prejudice and hate speech,
How dare they accost you, how dare they preach,
They're shoving their preferences down your unwilling throat,
They want you to sail on their narrow minded boat,
So much for God's love, all they want is to hate you,
A boxed up life is what's on their menu.

But let's look at it another way, with calm and reason,
The Good Book says for all things there is a season,
Now if I hated you and didn't care about you at all,
It would not matter to me how hard you fall,
I would just say nothing and let you go your own way,
Or just be a good guy and tell you it is all ok.

So let me ask you now, who is your true Friend?
The one who backs you no matter what to the end?
The one who tells you everything is all right?
The one who gives in to you without a fight?
Or is it the one who wants best for you?
And will challenge and guide through all that you do?

A Friend is not afraid to make you upset,
If the best outcome for you causes you to fret,
They won't hesitate to stop you doing what you please,
If that stops you getting cut off at the knees,
So don't be so quick to label me as hater,
All I want is for you to become something greater.

Job 5:24
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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