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The Children

by Kathleen Higham © 2006

The children are His gift to us
When I am with them I am blessed
But time passes much too quickly
When they leave I need a rest

But I find ways to keep them
Delightful visions in my mind
I close my eyes and see them
And I treasure what I find

Sweet voices and tender touches
Soapy cheeks pressed against my face
Twinkling eyes that look up to me
In my heart there's a special place

For God in His perfection
Shows us love that is so pure
These little ones never hurt you
They give you hope and you endure

And if you are feeling a sadness
In these children you will find
All the joy they bring to you
For they are innocent and kind

But oh how fast these children grow
And I cherish each precious visit
Little hands resting in my own
Beautiful faces so exquisite

The children are His gift to us
And now I finally see
They are oh so close to Him
And God has been good to me.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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