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The Crown

by Kathleen Higham

You cannot have a crown
Without a trial a cross
The road might be difficult
There may be suffering and loss

But our Lord is our Shepherd
And we are His beloved sheep
And He will care for us always
For we are His to keep

Even when we take a wrong turn
And we walk that cumbersome mile
And pain will take us to our knees
But only for a little while

For God loves us so very much
With a watchful eye He'll tend
When we become sick and weary
He'll carry us till we mend

As sheep we are often led astray
Buy our Lord never lets us leave
Especially when we walk away
To us He will tenderly cleave

For He was there from the beginning
When we were just a lamb
Then lovingly He guided us
To His arms and said "I Am"

And someday we will be with Him
As our cross falls to the ground
Then we will stand before Him
At His feet we lay the crown

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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