May I ask a thoughtful question?
Why do many turn away?
From our holy liberation
And from Godly freedom stray?
Why do many look for sunlight?
With a light already on
For a switch they still are looking
Simply finding there is none.
This is like the great Houdini
Against the door he soon would fall
Picking of the lock frustrated
The door swung open after all!
How like us, his mind was telling
That the door was soundly closed
He had fallen for the falsehood
That the hefty lock imposed.
Now for us, no door or darkness
Should deter our Christian way
We can stand upon the promise
Of God's great eternal day.
There is nothing like the wonder
Of a work completely done
Jesus has secured the victory
And our liberation won.
Now there is no condemnation
Nothing left for us to do
Apart from faith, His gifting to us
And embracing all things new.
All good works are not our efforts
To just satisfy His love
It is that love that will produce them
His own action from above.
The light is on, the door is open
God Himself has shown His face
This produces heavenly worship
At the wonder of His Grace.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Matthew 28:20b Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth.
This poem was a finalist in the
November 2023 poetry contest