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Walking by Faith

by Paul Purday

Our walking through the landscape tries our hearts
With footsteps sometimes leaden, sometimes light
Through what we learn when our life's journey starts
Is less contained by faith, and more by sight.

Eyes fix on self, while faith will fix on God
A hopeful lane ahead would draw our eyes
The beauty of the grass-green way we trod
Would fill us with possessions that we prize.

To walk by faith, God then will be our goal
His beauty will outstrip our worldly love
Where earth-born trinkets did our lives control
While faith will link our thoughts to things above.

Now we will walk the path of heavenly things
Our path the same but flowers will brighter be
With God's own colours, and our spirit sings
Of Grace and Love that faith would have us see.

But sometimes path's may not be what we choose
Then faith in Him would hold us in His hand
And from His own perspective cannot lose
For we will walk His good and pleasant land.

The way may still be dark with lowering
And God may not relieve the dreary sky
Faith will grasp onto Him though problems loom
We, He will hold with passion from on high.

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Book by Paul Purday

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