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Fit To Throw

by Abimbola Alabi © 2024

She'd been caught in the act.
There was no place to hide at all.
They found quite a bull's eye in her,
Ready to nail her to the wall.

Then they sought out Jesus,
Found Him in the temple that day.
"This woman caught in adultery,
Must be stoned, what do you say?"

He knew the intent of their hearts;
To ensnare and to condemn.
But Jesus had an even better way,
He would show to all of them.

He took in the scene so grim,
Then in a clear and poignant tone,
Said "whoever was without sin,
Could be the first to cast a stone".

He started writing on the ground,
What He wrote, no one can tell.
Maybe closet deeds of each of them,
Secret sins He knew too well.

Soon enough, they felt ashamed,
And left the scene one by one.
Till only the Lord was left with her,
But she's got no where to run.

She could only cringe with guilt,
A spurned and broken human being.
Then Jesus said "I do not condemn you".
"Go now and leave your life of sin".

People's attitude at that time,
Do we still have the same?
Finding "specks" and clutching "stones".
Sometimes deadly with our aim.

Often keen to ask of God,
The very grace we're slow to show.
Seldom asking before picking stones,
If we are really fit to throw.

We frown upon and call out sin,
Our Lord is asking "what is the goal?"
To feel like saints or stand as judge,
Or help restore a lost soul.

Titus 3:7 that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

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