Captivate my mind,
make it wholly Thine,
dear LORD,
saturate, as I meditate
on Thy precious Word.
My eyes,
O to see, constantly,
the beauty of Thy grace,
and what it cost Thee,
to die in my place.
My ears,
may, with no small effort,
listen for my beloved Shepherd,
to His still small voice,
amidst the worldly noise.
My tongue,
now not so young,
still in need of taming
and repair,
the spark for fire still there.
O That my life might smell
of a pleasing aroma, which tells,
of a life sacrificed,
to Holiness and praise
to His worthy name.
How I love to taste and see
how good He's been
and is to me.
If nothing else He gives to me
still, will I bow on bended knee.
My hands,
tired with life's demands,
give this weary man, I plead,
strength to lift his hands,
to pray and worship Thee.
The father's arms,
quietens the son's alarms,
and welcomes him home.
Give me strength today,
to hold and comfort, I pray.
My feet,
I give careful thought,
to steadfastly walk
astride with my Lord,
safe in the storm.