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by Peter the Poet © 2021

Farewell to society as we have known
It's structure collapses without even a groan,
With all the protests, Lock downs and deception
No surprise it's gone in the wrong direction.

Army and Police patrolling the streets
Bombarded with Facebook posts and tweets,
The bullying, cheating, cover ups and lies
Shout the Swan song of a world I despise.

Beware of the COVID the dreaded malady
Only one way to avoid deaths finality,
Go get the jab it's called a vaccine
They won't say what's in it but promise its clean.

So People queue for hours with Government chit
Encouraged by the Media to go do their bit,
"We have to achieve the 80 percent"
And look for "Freedom Day's" glorious advent.

But all the while surveillance increases
Freedom of speech and movement decreases,
Cameras appear on every corner and street
Big brother is watching his work nearly complete.

And as billions of Lemmings line up for their jab,
Convinced by the Media's gift of the gab,
Surrendering their bodies to who knows what
Uncertainty is their unfortunate lot.

But my way is clear because I know My Lord,
I know the power of his two-edged Sword,
He will not let go of me nor I of him,
They can jab me till Christmas if that is their whim.

Because our God IS able to heal and protect
His ways are righteous true and correct,
To him I belong my heart Heavenly focused
Out of the reach of evil hocus pocus.

Satan can trick he can tempt and deceive
That's been the way since Adam and Eve,
But he cannot take ownership of Gods precious ones
His beloved Bride, Daughters and Sons.

So lift your heads Saints and be of Heavenly mind
Don't worry yourself into a bind,
Cling tight to Jesus for he is coming back
We just have to be calm and stand through attack.

And let the world go on its destructive course
Although the lost people may cause us remorse,
The plans have been set the battle is won,
We will soon stand before Gods glorious Son.

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