I've only a moment to live in this land
Till I pass to another, led by my King's strong hand
And He'll row me across to His kingly domain
Where He'll sit on His throne, then forever He'll reign
Singing row away row, o'er the river of death
He'll welcome me in and I'll enter His rest
I'll enter that city, where joys never cease
And I'll wait till he's conquered the foes of his Peace
Then when He has done that, he'll come for his bride
And together we'll reign, King and Queen, side by side
Singing row away row, o'er the river of death
He'll welcome me in and I'll enter His rest
I've done the King's bidding, accepted His Grace
I've fought the good fight, I've finished the race
Lo! Now my king's coming with joy in his eye
"I have conquered thy foe" He triumphantly cries
Singing row away row, o'er the river of death
He'll welcome me in and I'll enter His rest.
This poem won second place for the
December 2021 poetry contest