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Tears Of Joy

by louis gander

I'd worked and sacrificed and slaved with neverending toil
and planted many seeds of doubt in rich, organic soil.

The cultivated soil that I, had worked down deep within,
was fertilized with years of pain that nourished all my sin.

Then when the ground that I had worked had watered all my seeds,
astonishing, the lesson learned, that I had planted weeds.

Depressed, I was and feeling low. This isn't what I'd planned.
Oh, why was I so tired of life? I didn't understand.

I dug them up, the big and small, those sins that tore me up
and then confessed them to my Lord, who overflowed my cup.

So now when weeds of doubt arise, my God and I destroy
and He replants my seeds to life, while I cry tears of joy.

This poem was a finalist in the November 2013 poetry contest

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