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They Came With Haste To Jesus

by Margaret Cagle

As shepherds watched their flocks
In a field in Judea one night,
They were amazed and startled
By a bright and shining light.

The angel of the Lord appeared
To announce a very special birth.
God sent His only Son, the Savior,
To be born here on this earth.

A multitude of the Heavenly host,
Praising God appeared to them then.
Saying, "Glory to God in the highest.
Peace on earth, good will toward men."

Then when all the angels went away,
To one another the shepherds said,
"Let us go to the town of Bethlehem
And find the babe in the manger bed."

Then the shepherds came with haste
And found Jesus, the Christ child.
He was wrapped in swaddling clothes,
God's Son, so holy, meek, and mild.

Christ Jesus was born on the earth
So He could one day die for our sin.
Our Savior shed His precious blood.
He died to save the souls of men.

Let us come with haste to Jesus.
He can gloriously save you today.
Yes, Jesus is patiently waiting
To forgive and take your sins away.

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