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by Robert Hedrick

I have never been, but I am going
to heaven someday,
Not for just a visit,for it'll
be an eternal stay.
Then devil, your best efforts will
not keep me away,
For not you but The One I serve
will have the final say.

Though I've never met God, someday
I am sure I will,
I haven't met Satan face to face,
yet I know he is real.
I have never tasted death, still
in time it'll come,
Yet I'm not afraid, for I ran to
The One I'd ran from.

I read about the disciples and
apostles that I'll meet,
I haven't seen much gold but I
will on heaven's street.
Now I've never been in a perfect
environment before,
I'll be in one forever as I go
through heaven's door.

We've not met face to face, still
Jesus lives I'm certain,
However we will meet after this
life closes it's curtain.
No longer then will I desire to
see things I've not seen,
For then I will be side by side
with The Most Supreme.

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