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Tell Me Why

by louis gander

The lady... she was weeping.
It saddened me to see,
that she was drawn within herself
and just as sad as me.

I asked if she was hungry.
I asked if she was late.
I asked her if she had a home.
I asked her if she ate.

She shook her head at each of these
short questions that I asked.
I knew I had to help her though.
I knew this was my task.

I also knew I had no cash
and all this made me sad.
For I was just as homeless too.
I lost the job I had.

To find a place for her to live
and put food on her shelf...
oh, how could I do just one thing
when I can't help myself?

All I could do was wish her well.
I had no more to say.
My stomach soured and I wept
as I had walked away.

Some children laughed and giggled with
their mother at a store.
Ignored the old and lonely ones
my heart is bleeding for.

And then I prayed. Oh, how I prayed
that time would hasten by.
It hurts the most at Christmas time.
Please, someone, tell me why.

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