Behold, will a king reign with his righteous hand,
and princes, with justice, will rule in the land.
Each man, like a shelter from winds that prevail,
a refuge from tempests and storms that assail;
like rivers of water in deserts of sand,
like shade from a boulder within a parched land.
Then all who have eyes will see perfectly clear,
and those who have ears will be able to hear.
The heart of the fool will have knowledge to gain,
the stammering tongue will be fluent and plain.
The foolish will be called a noble no more,
nor scoundrel respected as he was before.
The fool will spew folly from evil within,
he'll lie against Yahweh again and again;
depriving the hungry from food that they need,
withholding the drink from the thirsty, indeed.
The schemes of the schemer are evil and mean,
devising such plans not believed till they're seen;
destroying the needy with lying despite
the cause of the poor -- all along -- being right.
The noble man generates generous plans,
and by these good causes, the noble man stands.
O women of leisure, it's you I would reach;
O daughters, complacent, give ear to my speech.
About in a year, you'll be troubled and numb,
the vintage will fail, and the harvest won't come.
O women of ease, shed your smugness in haste,
trade clothing for sackcloth and strip to the waist.
Beat your breasts for fields that are pleasant and fine,
the plentiful vineyard and fruit of the vine.
For land filled with briars and thorns, overgrown --
yes, houses of joy this great city had known.
Abandoned, both fortress and high citadel,
deserted and empty, the city, as well;
forever watchtowers, now caves among rocks,
delight for the donkeys and pastures for flocks.
Whenever the Spirit from heaven is poured,
from desert come orchards -- thick forests -- restored.
Then justice will dwell in the deserts of sand,
while righteousness lives in the ripe, fertile land.
The fruit of that righteousness will be true peace,
resulting in safety that never will cease.
In peace, will my people abide, be assured,
in places of rest are my people secured.
Then hailstorms will flatten the forest of trees,
the city you loved will be brought to its knees.
Those sowing by waters, how blest you will be,
those letting your cattle and donkeys range free.