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Something Tugged Me

by louis gander

The stars sparkled brightly above frigid sky
and then something tugged me. I didn't know why.

In fresh-fallen snow at the end of the day
were parallel tracks from a horse-driven sleigh
which led down the road to the center of town.
I followed those tracks and I looked all around.

Nativity scenes were all scattered about,
but one seemed quite diff'rent. It seemed to reach out.
And there, sure enough, the closer I trod,
I saw a few movements which seemed somewhat odd.

On one side, a lamb laid. On other, stood goat,
and Joseph and Mary were wearing a coat.
The babe was a doll and was there in between,
yet, this was a living Nativity scene!

My eyes took this in as my thoughts had explored.
The "stable" was built out of painted cardboard.
And though it was made kind of flimsy and cheap,
the shepherds were there with the "baby" asleep.

The wise men held presents with paper and bow
as colorful lighting reflected off snow.
The cold was quite icy. The dark dampened air
had frozen my cheeks as I tarried there.

The genuine smiles on faces were real.
The spirit of Christmas was something to feel.
Then Mary's eyes twinkled and with wink and nod,
she mouthed the words slowly, "Oh yes, Son of God."

This Christ child would give of Himself and then die.
So question that came to me was... How could I?
Oh, how could I love those who hated me so?
And how could I die for sins I didn't owe?

The stars sparkled brightly above frigid sky
and then something tugged me. And now I know why.

This poem won first place for the December 2013 poetry contest

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