Then came a day (like never was)
When members of the flesh, with cause
Assembled to debate the laws
Concerning their dominion
Great arguments ensued within
For Will had vowed to banish sin
A fight that he could never win
In everyone's opinion.
It seems that Mr Christian Will
Would have his cake and eat it still
Denying all the flesh their fill
While feigning good intentions
When all the charges had been read
The justice gravely shook his head
As disapproval clearly spread
Around the court's extensions
Sir Tongue, a lawyer of repute
Was more than able to dispute
This challenge on his absolute
Autonomy of diction
Chief Mind, as just as just can be
Presided somewhat partially
In favour of his tendency
To stray without restriction
The Stomach guarded with great zeal
His sovereign right to every meal
And everyone from head to heel
In sleep found common basis
And so it was throughout that day
When Christian Will desired to pray
Both Eyes would close but Mind would stray
To many varied places
I fail to see, said Justice Mind
How Christian could be so unkind
Of this, without a doubt, I find
Him guilty. That's my ruling
It's quite impossible, said he
To contemplate how life would be
Iniquity and worry free
The fellow must be fooling!
So then, for years the judgement stood
As people clearly thought it should
And even though it brought no good
Its practice was appeasing
Until sir Christian searched the Word
And found some scriptures rarely heard
That taught him how his loins to gird
And serve God without ceasing
So once again he took the stand
Defending every right command
And proving with God's helping hand
A man can keep from falling
For if we would renew our minds
And keep the word then we will find
That He keeps us in trying times
And we fulfill our calling.
This poem was a finalist in the
January 2024 poetry contest