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The Beginning

by Kathleen Higham © 2006

He was there before the beginning
It was an incomprehensible sight
In His mind He thought it
And immediately there was light

His vision knew an empty earth
But light He said was good
And water poured from His fingertips
Because he simply could

Then he had another thought
And waters deep became land
He closed His eyes and willed it
Now we have a place to stand

And gathered waters became seas
What He does there won't be small
And it was such an awesome thing
In a breath He did it all

Again He said now this is good
I'll make them seeds just right
And in the ground they'll grow and grow
But first there must be night

Then after the night came morning
The day was number three
Blue skies arose with the wave of His hand
It was perfection for all to see

Now night and day were separate
As the moon the stars the sun
And morning came on the fourth day
And still he wasn't done

God made wonderful creatures
And feathered ones that fly
Artistically He arranged them
Their presence filled the sky

Day five came then day six too
With animals of every kind
It was good it really was
Our God has a beautiful mind

But on the day of number six
Our hearts He held in His hand
And He loved us so completely
As he placed us on His land

And he was so delighted
At last it was day seven
And He saw how very good it was
So He went back up to heaven

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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