The promised bride, too veiled to see
Too caught in what is to know what could be
Don't let Him in close for Fear He may leave
But the veil could never be present for her to be free
So she hid as He passed and she trembled in fear
And again in the cleft as His glory came near
Now hope is born as His words she holds dear
Faithful love that abounds is what made her heart hear
So now Betrothed faith entered her heart
Yea though she walks in the valley, there was comfort in the dark
But faithful He was even when she drew them apart
And when she would return, He offered a new start
Prone to fall as she wandered and to the terrestrial give heed
Love cannot flourish while in darkness a seed
But it's hope took root and life was found in her belief
A promise far off though through veil can't be seen
So as it was, the day begat night
Death could not hinder what became heavens fight
She was greatly loved and held in His might
But the veil kept at bay His glorious light
So a hush and a sorrow forever engaged
The war for His bride from heaven's heart was waged
So He came to His own, not just words on a page
Love bore the cross so His bride could be saved
With His last breath the groom awakened His bride
The veil was torn and lifted and gave light to her eyes
No death did not keep Him from the tomb He did rise
Now welcome to Love unveiled bride of Christ