The greatest talent given to men
Is that of the Doctor and our minister friend,
One to give help to the sin sick soul
To the other, uncountable diseases unfold.
They must both work together, to comfort and heal
For sickness of body and mind, they both feel,
Should we stop once to think of the God-given power
That comes from above, to these great friends of ours.
No night is too dark for our Doctor to go
Through the heat, the rain, the cold and the snow,
To the bedside of those, who are wracked with pain
Or the frightened, a new hold on life to gain.
A good kindly Doctor is welcomed there
He helps us, our fear and pain to bare,
Sometimes his presence means more than a pill
Or comforting words, far more than his skill.
Our Pastor, so like him, with heart felt love
Was given his power from our Savior above,
To go tell the story to the lost and undone
Of the saving power of God and His Son.
It takes the two of them, hand in hand
To calm the fears, and diseases of men.
That inspiration to them God has given
Which makes life to mortal man, worth living.