I was shapen in iniquity
In sin older than antiquity
Depraving my heart internally
With deeds exposed externally
Lured and enticed was I
By my own sinful desire
Evil to the core and more
Sinking in sins vomitus gore
Hell bound as warned in the pages
Waiting to receive my just wages
To suffer in the fires of damnation
Hope gone of a piece declaration
O'h why did He call this worm
To rescue me from all harm
Drawing me into His loving arms
To experience the wonders of His charms
It was because of His mighty love
In the giving up of His beloved Son
To be crucified in my place
The wonders of His grace to taste
Tasting to see that the Lord is Good
For in my place condemned He stood
So that I like her when He opened her door
With His beautiful words "go and sin no more."