It is written clearly
For everyone to see
In God's word
Jesus died for you and me
He was beaten and cursed
His flesh torn from the bone
A crown of thorns put on his head
Only The Father would bring Him home
They whipped him without mercy
His blood all through the streets
As He carried that cross
To where The Father He would meet
They drove three big wooden nails
Through his hands and his feet
As his own mother watched in horror
Her heart ceasing to beat
They lifted him up on that cross
Next to two other men
He prayed for everyone of them
Asking forgiveness for their sins
He hung there and He suffered
For almost six hours
His death would come soon
Later proving God's power
After Jesus passed away
They put Him in a tomb
A giant solid rock door
Sealing the room
It was in that cold tomb
That He laid for 3 days
No one could get in to see Him
The giant rock door stood in the way
It was on the third day
That giant door was removed
And when they went in
Empty was the tomb
His blood soaked robes
We're lying on the floor
Where only by the power of God
The Savior's body laid no more.
So remember this always,
As our time here is almost done
For God so loved the world
He gave his only begotten Son.