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The Master’s Voice.

by Paul Purday

We heard it on the air
The faintest tone
So small, we weren't aware
Of that alone.

We were confused, but there
Our hearts still long
For what our minds will share
A hopeful song.

Distinguishing the sound
From mental noise
The still small voice profound
Of greater joys.

It's Him! For deep inside
We feel His love
No longer do we hide
It is the Dove.

We have the scriptures sure
To show the way
Our brothers will ensure
They have their say.

But more than both those things
His voice is all
Within, the Spirit sings
Without recall.

But ears grow dim we say
To hear His voice
For when the sky is grey
We make our choice.

The lowering of the sky
Can block our ears
We listen to the lie
Of darkened fears.

And when the sky is blue
Our play begins
And games we then pursue
Conceal our sins.

So dark or light we know
His voice is faint
Or even silent, though
False smiles we paint.

All distance is our own
It is self-made
Our sunshine now has flown
Into the shade.

Self-effort, fear, will all
Soon build a choice
A false mistaken wall
That hides His voice.

He lives in us, so He
Is closer than
Our breath, for here's the key
To God's great plan.

We hear His voice inside
No distance now
In Him we must abide
To Him we bow.

So we have found the way
A way that we must seek
A place in Him to rest
And hear Him speak.

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Book by Paul Purday

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