No glorious mountains' mighty presence, or tumultuous seas
No raging waterfalls or forests with majestic trees
No deserts' vast immensity and an unrivalled span
Can equal Jesus' suffering face, marred more than any man.
No world domains or kingdoms, or thrones that man has made
No Godless aspirations or scientific wars arrayed
No devious plans of world-control can ever come to be
When Jesus sits upon the throne and all the world will see.
Far, far beyond the workings of the subtle human mind
Where man has no awareness of the sorrows he will find
As he will forge his twisted path of self, a hopeless way
For only Jesus can make straight, and show the hope of day.
The Cross embraced infinity, arms stretched from east to west
And upright too, beyond the stars, infinity expressed
The glory of redemption's power, beyond all minds to know
Connects our longing hearts to Him, eternal love to show.
No further sacrifice required, for all His work is done
The One beyond all worlds, came close to us, the victory won
Beyond, yet closer than our breath, His breath as heavenly dew
Eternity embracing time, as He makes all things new.