Passover was soon preparing
Jesus told them what to do
'Meet a man who holds a pitcher,
He will show a room for you.'
Jesus then was there reclining
When the purposed hour had come
He explained about His suffering
Turning many faces glum.
For to instigate the Supper
(Did they know it was his last?)
He would demonstrate remembrance
As the bread and wine were passed.
'Look! The hand of My betrayer
Rests upon the table here'
Jesus said, and all were glancing
With the eyes of wary fear.
We, who know Him and who love Him
As betrayers too would share
All our sins would lay upon Him
As His path grew upward there.
Who can fathom all His suffering
Who can know the depths He felt
Who can match that tragic pathway
And the pain that He was dealt.
Then the anguish of His praying
Saw His sweat as drops of blood
All His sufferings plainly showing
Pinioned to a Cross of wood.
Though He suffered shame and spitting
A veil was drawn on such a sight
Three long hours of heavy darkness
We worship in this darkest night.
The Suffering Servant, wounded, dying
Bearer of our load of sin
For His precious blood was flowing
Which alone can wash us clean.
When He loudly cried 'It's finished'
See the work of God complete
See the bliss of our salvation
See His love and mercy meet.
See the tragedy of Friday
That dark time, and when He died
His disciples hopes were ended
This the ending of their pride.
Saturday embraced their grieving
All their thoughts contained their loss
For their hopes of overcoming
Roman rule, for them was dross.
But a righteous man called Joseph
Claimed the body for his tomb
Unused then, but clearly ready
And, women waited in the gloom.
These women surely cared for Jesus
Perfume and spices were prepared
Tender was their heartfelt longing
For the One whose life they've shared.
Sunday morning, very early
The women to the tomb alone
Found it opened up, and empty
Angel power had moved the stone
Bowing low in awesome terror
They heard the angels speaking plain
'He's not here, for He is risen!'
The hold of death, a broken chain.
Oh to know that Easter power!
Men and angels know His fame
He's exalted, death is vanquished
Heaven forever burns the flame.
And to us, that power is granted
Resurrection life is ours
Soon eternal, but that glory
We can know through earthly hours!
Now, for us, this world's reversing
Good and evil, in the fight
But we know, amid the darkness
Resurrection puts it right.
All around is death and dying
Lawless attitudes are rife
But the Risen Christ is showing
All the majesty of Life!