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A Single Leaf

by louis gander

Can I not find a single leaf
that hangs upon a twig,
on hidden tree with millions more
within this valley big?

Can I not find a single bird
that's nestled with the rest,
way deep inside a big ol' world,
protected in its nest?

Can I not find my Comforter
who's there when e're I fall,
who Jesus sent to bring me peace,
if I would only call?

Can I not find a Savior who
had walked around with men,
who was my perfect sacrifice,
so perfect without sin?

Can I not find the God of all,
Creator of all things,
and have my heartstrings failed to break
when one small girl sings?

Can I not find my purpose now
outside my selfish door,
that 'great commission' filled with love
that God has called me for?

Can I not seek beyond my wants,
beyond my worldly place,
beyond the tip of my long nose,
beyond my pretty face?

Can I not find one tiny soul
who begs and cries for aid,
who's needing someone just like me,
yet I have only prayed...?

Can I not help one tiny child
who's hanging by a thread,
in such a place of hopelessness,
with many others dead.

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