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Direct Communication

by Joshua Wehrmann © 2024

Back one time in isolation.
Wept there I, in deep frustration.
Searching, praying, for salvation; prone my face upon the floor.

Holy judgment, new sensation.
Will and courage; degradation.
Hoping for some inspiration; mercy vanish, wrath did pour.

Fear I felt in segregation.
His mercy gone, no insulation.
My soul is dying of starvation; cast aside my pride filled war.

My fear grows quick, much trepidation.
Holy, direct communication.
The great Creator of creation; I no longer can ignore.

God holds my life, examination.
His judgment burns like radiation.
He makes a painful declaration that shakes me deep within my core.

Time slows with this demonstration.
I notice slight modification.
Or better yet a revelation; The Christ, my safety did restore.

Pain and regret, accumulation,
Rebuke my flesh, it's deviation.
His mercy was my exploitation; a different tactic he had in store.

Death I've earned, my violation.
My ears do pop with modulation.
Do not deserve purification; I should be kicked through hell's red door.

My heart loses its calibration.
The Three, but One, unification.
Filled me with thanks, humiliation; trembled did I, with Lion's roar.

Mercy I cried, and then cessation.
I shake with great subordination.
My soul survived interrogation of sins deep down I do abhor.

The Father judged, ramification,
But not full strength, just distillation.
My heart was read a great summation, but Son stepped in and did implore.

Christ shielded me, his cancellation,
Of my great debt of provocation.
Oh sacrifice, neutralization; he died for me, my guarantor.

Spirit in me, deep adoration.
I pray with fervent exhortation.
Reject my flesh, repudiation; on Satan's face I slammed the door.

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