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His Own Kind

by Kathleen Higham

In my thoughts it's so amazing
God gave us such a mind
To think and study intelligently
And know we are from His own kind

But there are others in this world
Who believe from an ape we came
What a very serious blunder
Because God made us equally the same

We never read of evolution
This is not penned in His Book
It's not scientifically possible
Yet they say like an ape we look

Now He in all His magnificence
Created this universe
And knowledge comes from Him alone
And His Book teaches verse by verse

And still His people are confused
Or maybe they are just not His
Because in the hearts of ungodly men
The most evil of all lies lives

Man can be so foolish
Following a very dangerous path
In the intricacies of our body alone
As scientists do your math

Even in the simplest science
You cannot really entertain
Believing in man's interpretation
That out of muck and slime we came

Our God is truly saddened
We were created in His image
We're not monkeys apes or exploding cells
We're from His Holy Lineage

I've studied little in this arena
Because my time with the Lord is short
And I crave to know His Word so true
It's my final book report

And when I finally see His face
With no thoughts of a dissertation
I'll be one my knees in thankfulness
Because we had this personal relation

For it is not your high IQ
Or how brilliant that you look
And your PhD is useless
If your name's not in His Book

If only in my younger days
I had trusted in His voice
There wouldn't be these wasted years
For I always had a choice

So if you stop put down that book
And listen in your mind
His voice will whisper in your ear
My child you're from my own kind

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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