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The Tree

by Kathleen Higham

Thoughts may come and give me pause
As the wind blows through a tree
Where did it come from where will it go
I believe only God can see

And there are times I ponder the tree
My mind I feel it churn
And prayerfully I ask You Lord
Today what shall I learn

And fleeting as the thought may be
It feels like mine to keep
I lift my eyes to sing to You
Let my roots be strong and deep

I want to share Your spiritual truth
By writing it on this paper
But I have to wait to hear Your voice
It must come from You my Maker

I see trees bending in a gentle breeze
Along with skies that are blue and clear
And patiently I wait for You
Poised eagerly to hear

And the words that come from You alone
They must always serve You well
For a delicate tree that leans too far
Might lean it's way to hell

What is it Lord that comes to me
As I query about the tree
You used it yes You used it
As You died to set us free

And my heart it aches
As my thoughts remember
The ultimate gift You gave
Was Christ in complete surrender

Now my thoughts become a vision
And my prayers become a plea
Dear Lord please help me follow
The Man that died on the tree

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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