God is the truest husbandman and His Son the Truest Vine
The product of the truest plant producing truest wine
To gladden every hopeful heart and the longing to be free
But most to gladden God's own heart and His loving constancy.
The planting in God's heavenly soil is the grounding of His heart
The purpose of eternity and His blessing to impart
The growing of the purest vine that ever had been known
And the wonder of the ages from the glory of His throne.
The purpose of the foliage with the richly growing leaves
Is to drink from God's uprising in the sap that it receives
The plant of God's own shaping and the branches grafted in
The forming of His workmanship, His activity within.
We are His living branches, receiving from the Tree
But only when abiding, in the place we're meant to be
There only is that fruitfulness, when we are one with Him
The heavenly wine is filling His wine-glass to the brim.
There is the possibility that we can be deceived
The vine we will acknowledge and it's truth we have believed
But still in separation with our branches cut away
Our efforts may seem admirable, but are not the heavenly way.
It is a vine of falsity, that will expose the True
And we will stay connected in the things we say and do
The life that's always streaming from the overflowing well
Of far eternal glories in the land we soon will dwell.