God saw the world and His creation forming
He looked upon the wonders He had made
The diverse living creatures that were swarming
Colours, singing, beauty, all were arrayed
His glorious heart with ecstasy was soaring
His eyes were feasting, and with love, exploring
'These wonders are so very good' He said.
Man and later Woman, graced His founding
As head and planting of the human race
Were naming the creation all abounding
And gracing God's good work before His face
But soon the man was from perfection falling
The serpent's great deceit was soon forestalling
The purposed Tree, God's perfect plan displaced.
God banished man and drove him from the Garden
The serpent's bite injecting the wrong choice
For now his confidence in God would harden
No longer gladly listen to His voice
His self-reliance became the only story
Where he would perpetrate his own self-glory
God looked, and found few reasons to rejoice.
The history of the world can be depressing
For man's self-will would lead him far away
God chose a nation to bestow His blessing
And soon its erring kings provoked decay
But finally His Son, His love was sending
From heaven's height to this poor world descending
To show for all a far, far better way.
By Virgin born, He came, to bring salvation
But was rejected sadly by His own
Mankind proceeded with His defamation
His way of love and healing to disown
They led Him to a place of execution
And death would now complete His diminution
A sacrifice that would for sins atone.
Where would God look, within this place of horror?
He sees the Blood upon the Mercy Seat
This, only this, can be the great restorer
Of God and man's relationship complete
For he won't look upon our righteousnesses
But on the Blood. Faith handles our distresses
And we can only worship at His feet.
So let us never fall for the temptation
That somehow human efforts would provide
Credence, authority and affirmation
With God, when all He asks is, we abide
In Christ, proceeding from the Spirit's power
Oh such a need, for which God looks this hour
To bring the Bride, soon to the Bridegroom's side.