We hear them every day, though silently
Almost like heartbeats or a restless sea
Rustling leaves and distant voices speaking
A passing car, a tree's low bough creaking
Threshing bird's wings, their voices shrieking
Almost, the sounds appear subconsciously
Do we hear rustling of the Living Tree?
So many other sounds lead us away
The flesh's voice can often lead astray
The incessant drone our minds expressing
And the worlds delights our eyes caressing
Background noises of our lives confessing
Where condemnation will our minds betray.
While foreground truth presents another way.
For rhythms of reality will show
What always in our inmost heart we know
A deeper thing, the old background decaying
Our inner ears, the sounds of glory playing
Our hearts filled with the swell of worship praying
The Grace of God renews with healing glow
Explosion of His love will grow and grow.
Background and foreground, what could we want more
To see the Lamb, and hear His praises soar
Throughout the courts of heaven multiplying
Inner songs and outer praise supplying
He is the centre, Majesty undying
The Focal Point, we worship and adore
His love will fill our hearts forevermore!
This poem was a finalist in the
January 2024 poetry contest