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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
New Year, New Hope first in poetry contest
A new year is here! Many of us stop and reflect on our lives and decide this is a good time to make some changes, some resolutions. We need to remember that Jesus is the one who started a work in us and He's the one who will complete it. Philippians 1:6

All the time
I don't pretend to understand the deepest pains that others have, and may even now be experiencing. I know only that I have seen true, inspiring, beautiful faith and reliance upon Christ, displayed in the deepest of sorrow.

True Treasures
This was inspired by a dream I had about the emptiness of the worldly pleasures and what truly satisfies the Christian and the riches God only can give us.

A Devil of a Dilemma. Genesis Ch 3. finalist in poetry contest
Satan looks back over his mischievous plots which overshot the mark, and ended in disaster.

Happy New Year! Genesis 8.13
A light-hearted look at Noah's arrival on dry land, brought by the grace of God into a world of new beginnings on the 'first day of the first month'.

Like Father, Like Son. Genesis 1.27 and 5.3 finalist in poetry contest
The traits of Father-God were lost by Adam, and thus by his children. But those traits found in the Sonship of Jesus can be reinstalled.

My Best Friend
This poem was inspired by my love for Jesus and my relationship with him.

Christmas True finalist in poetry contest
The true meaning of Christmas, told in poetry form. The fact that the Babe was lowly in birth, born in the humblest bed, born of humble earthly parents, not given a Royal welcome. Visited by humble shepherds and by Eastern Kings..

A Gift finalist in poetry contest
This is a very personal poem about a prayer I prayed a year ago and how God answered that prayer.

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