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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Look at Me
A somewhat pointed reminder that what we do is all about glorifying God and not bringing undo attention to ourselves.

Reflection of Christ
This poem adresses something that all Christians experience in their daily life. I hope it provides some encouragement to someone who may be going through such a trial.

The Times Time Will Tell
There are times when the truth does not come out right away, but in most cases time will tell.

Contend For The Faith
Jude, verse 3, "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."

If ~
There are a lot of if's out there but Jesus is a sure thing!

Waiting on The Lord
Don't lose heart during the wait instead take hold of His strength!

Autumn's Greeting
Autumn is my favorite season it so reminds me of the glory yet to come . . .

Facing Tomorrow
We never know what it will bring so make sure to take Jesus with you!

God is Ever Present
We have nothing to fear!

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