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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
I AM There

The Hammer

I Am A Mother
I just found this in an old photo book. i wrote it on Mother's Day when my kids were still at home.

Vices Come With Prices
Repenting of our sins and becoming Christians means that we need to totally surrender to God any vices that we may have.

How Sampat Bought A Building
This is a true story about a three-year old boy, who lived in a boys' home ran by an American missionary in India.

Most Christians believe that those who receive crowns in Heaven will cast them at the feet of Jesus.

Go Does Not Mean Send
Many Christians do not take the great commission personally to go and witness, but they leave the witnessing to pastors or missionaries.

It Sings, "I Can! "I Can!"
When we learn to stop griping and complaining about things and start counting our blessings, we can enjoy life better.

Reflections of my Creator
The world and all that is within it relects the goodness of God

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