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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Love of Jesus
May His love be with you and may you share it with other's along your way!

Praying for a Miracle finalist in poetry contest
This poem is about the anguish of a wife dealing with the illness of her husband and her tears and prayer for healing.

A Step or Two
Encouraging spiritual growth

Thank You, Lord
Was just going over my life, and realized I am so blest, by the goodness of God, family and friends. What more could anyone want?

Let God Use You finalist in poetry contest
Making new friends can be hard for some of us,and taking that first step, may be intimidating, but you never know, who you may reach for the Lord, or what a blessing you might be to someone's life. Go for it.

Deeper In Your Love
Going deeper is Jesus is really an option, if we are to serve the Lord to the best of our abilities. We need to know him more each day, and allow Him to daily change and take us deeper in Him.

It is good to know we are never alone, even in some of the most disastrous times or places of our lives. We can trust the promise of God that" He will never leave us or forsake us" and that is what keeps us going.

They wash the beach clean.

Hats Off To Aunt Hattie
God uses the most unlikely people to help others sometimes, just as God used a poor widow to help a young preacher boy in this poem.

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