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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
In Perfect Peace
I am kept in perfect peace, my mind and heart are fixed on the Lord as I await His eternal Kingdom.

Adoration Lord
Love for the Lord

The Tapestry of His Love
God wove me in the womb and covered me in the tapestry of His love.

His Book
The Lord speaks to us through His Holy Book. We can find much joy in His words when we open our heart to Him.

No ~ Not Even One!
Not one person was able to cast that first stone. For all have sin and fallen short of the glory of the Lord!

From God's Point of View
Examine your life from God's point of view!

A Prayer Request
Christians are given the privilege and the duty to pray for others. We should do so as often as the need arises.

Just As You Are
God loves you just as you are!

The Pretty Pray-er
Our Pastor teaches on Salvation and prayer. Then Pastor Scott calls our God a pretty pray-er. He prays for us! What a beautiful and comforting thought to know my God prays for me...

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