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The Tapestry of His Love

by Deborah Ann Belka

He took two threads of love,
and wove me in the womb
covered me with a tapestry
that was made upon His loom.

He did the fine needlework,
of all the fibers of my frame
He skillfully sewed us together
so our image would be the same.

He embroidered in my soul,
the desire to know His will
then interlaced us together
with the Holy Spirit's seal.

He stitched so intricately,
all the details inside of me
so that the fabric of His life
the unwoven eye could see.

He held the needle in His hand,
and used love as His thread
He formed me in the womb
and to Him ~ I'm forever lead

Psalm 139:15

"My substance was not hid from thee,
when I was made in secret, and
curiously wrought in the lowest parts
of the earth."!

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