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No ~ Not Even One!

by Deborah Ann Belka

Her heart was filled with lust,
her spirit was broken down
she was sought by the men
who lived althrough her town.

She lived her life in darkness,
she knew she would be stoned
yet, she carried on in her sin
till her secret was made known.

They caught her red handed,
right in the sinful act
and they brought her to Jesus
with all the details of the fact.

They asked Him to judge her,
to indict her for her sin
they called Him their Master
in hopes a ruling they would win.

He knew she was an adulterous,
and told the blood thirsty crowd so
then He said, "You without sin"
go ahead and cast the first throw.

They caught her in her sin,
they saw the crime she had done
but they could not condemn her
no ~ not even one!

John 8: 7

"So when they continued asking Him, He
raised Himself up and said to them, "He
who is without sin among you, let him
throw a stone at her first."

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