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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
-Taken Too Soon- finalist in poetry contest
Actual Epitaph on a Little Boy's Gravestone...HE BEATS HIS LITTLE DRUM IN HARMONY WITH THE MUSIC OF HEAVEN HE RUNS HIS LITTLE TRAIN IN THE STREETS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM Psalm 139:7 If I climb to the sky, you are there!

Take a Stand
I hope we all will have the courage to stand up for what and who we believe in, Jesus Christ our savior.

Numbers--Part 5--The Way of Balaam finalist in poetry contest
The account of how the love of money influenced Balaam to attempt to curse Israel. (Numbers 21)

Numbers--Part 4--The Sin Solution
When Israel was bitten by snakes because of their sin, they looked to a snake lifted up to be made whole. It is a picture of the day when Jesus would be lifted up to win redemption for us (Numbers 21).

Forgive Yourself.
You must forgive yourself as well.

Trusting Christ
Christ will remain faithful through it all if we maintain our trust in Him.

A Smart Heart finalist in poetry contest
A well prepared heart at the beginning of the day will most likely end well.

What if? A Valentine Thought
Just think what your life would be if Christ had not died for your sin. (Romans 5:8)

Put In The Word
The perfect time to be saved is right now and then begin to grow as a Christian.

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