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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Can I Share This With You?
My husband has been blessed with a most incredible cardiologist. We lost all our Docs and prayed for just one that would accept our insurance. My husband has had a rough year, but God gave us this wonderful doctor. God is so faithful.

Forever and a Day
I wrote this for a Mom who was caring for her daughter who got cancer. A year later she got cancer and now her daughter is caring for her. Hard to imagine, but our Lord is ever present...

Outrageous Lover
God asks us to be like Him. To love everyone and not judge. Let's get outrageous and love like He does!!! Be an outrageous lover!

Ballet in the Sky second in poetry contest
Did you ever see birds dancing in the sky as if they were being conducted by God? Well, this is the ballet in the sky by God...

A Wasted Day
A wasted day takes place when we miss the given opportunities to be that witness for God.

Through Blurry Tears
"I lost my job - have You no clue? I lost my car and savings too -I lost all love for other folk. Your answer God, is overdue."

Hearts on Fire
A poem calling believers to glorify God.

Numbers--Part 8--The Destructive Power of Idolatry
An account of how idolatry brought pain and destruction to Israel just before they entered the Promised Land. (Numbers 25)

Numbers--Part 7--Balaam's Additional Prophecies
Two more times Baalam sought to curse Israel for money. Each time God over-ruled him. (Numbers 23:13-24:25)

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