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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Sight finalist in poetry contest
This week my husband had a serious ventricular tachycardia. He could have had a sudden death from this. He now has a pacemaker and defibrillator. God gave me this sunset the night before his surgery. It gave me peace and faith as I wrote this poem.

God Smiles
People send me pictures and ask me to write about the photo. I recently received one of a baby colt resting on her mother's legs. It was so sweet. A mother's lap was surely another one of God's gift to us. So, here is the poem.

This is a poem I wrote for my friend Francine who sends me Scripture every day. She is so encouraging in sharing God's Word. I have been so blessed by her sisterly love in Christ.

Time Stands Still finalist in poetry contest
I often think of how fast my life is passing. It is comforting to know that someday I will not think about time. I will be with my Lord and Savior. There will be peace and joy unimaginable. These sweet thoughts come with age.

Walk The Path To Forever
While walking in the park I saw this lovely path passing through the woods. It wound around and disappeared going somewhere beautiful. It made me think of God. It seems that everything that is beautiful makes me think of Him.

Your First Best Friend
I have been writing a weekly series on best friends. This is one of many poems written on the subject of "Best Friends"

PIRATES! second in poetry contest
I remember back, when young -the pirate tales from grandpa's tongue -where peg-legged men with but one eye sought their treasures, chanced to die.

An Ambassador
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ...II Corinthians 5:20

I come to you so weary As tears cloud up my eyes Help me focus on the goal And my eternal prize.

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