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Poetry About Jesus

A poem describing the Hands of Jesus as being like no other hands.

Feet finalist in poetry contest
A poem about where the feet of Jesus led him, and where they lead us.

The True Peacemaker
What does a true peacemaker look like? We only have to look at Jesus to gain an understanding!

Triumphal Entry finalist in poetry contest
A poem about the humble entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

DIGNITY finalist in poetry contest
Tells of the days prior to, and the day of, the death of Christ.

A Precious Rose
a poem reflecting on the Rose of Sharon

Mirror, Mirror
A different take on an old nursery rhyme.

His Eyes
A poem about the eyes of Jesus searching the earth for those who would love Him.

This poem is a variation of a Shakespearean sonnet. It has all the characteristics of a Shakespearean sonnet, except it is not written in iambic pentameter.

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