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Poems by Dave Mudford

poem count: 233 | pages: 26 | first place: 3 times | finalist: 35 times
Gather to Scatter
Explores the reasons why the Church gathers

Kingdom Shaped Church
This poem has been written as a provocative write. Written to ask questions to the church? What shapes us? Or do we try to make our own shape to our liking!

A Precious Rose
a poem reflecting on the Rose of Sharon

Take Another Look
Sometimes we need to change how we look at things.

Released by Favour
We have been released from our bondage - free now to live in favour!

Love's Embrace
contrast between self effort and God's grace.

Everyone gets to Play
"Everyone gets to play" is a phrase coined by John Wimber - which meant that all participants were involved in "doin' the stuff" not just the pastors and preachers. We are all called to be priests.

Life’s True Meaning
Only Christ gives life its true meaning

Now I see
A poem from the perspective of the blind man who washed in the pool at Siloam