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Praise & Worship Poems

Ode to the Redeemed Vessel
1 Cor. 6:20 "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price, so glorify God in your body."

Praise and Thank the LORD
Giving Thanks and Praise to the LORD

Proskuneo Adonai
What should our worship of God look like in practice? Proskuneo - Greek word that is interpreted as “Worship” in the English translation of the bible – meaning “to bow down and kiss the hand of”

To thank the Lord everyday.

We worship God as we wait. We worship him and seek his face. He has all the answers for everything we will face.

Every Breath
Every Breath we take is given by our God!

Even So
A poem of worship

Resting in Grace
In all seasons, no matter the weather He is worthy of our praise

Out of the Shadows
Time to step out of the shadows into His glorious light!

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