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Praise & Worship Poems

Resting in Grace
In all seasons, no matter the weather He is worthy of our praise

Out of the Shadows
Time to step out of the shadows into His glorious light!

Longing After Thee
Psalm 42:1-2b NIV As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

Magnificent Holy God
Psalms 145:3a in the Message Bible says, “GOD is magnificent; he can never be praised enough.” To that I shout a hearty AMEN!

His Glory Shines Brighter
His glory is brighter than any shadows we may have in our life!

The Full Story
It is not a matter of whether we will worship or not. For the reality is all of us worship something. The real question is what/who will we choose to worship.

Praise Him
Now is the moment to give God praise. No matter what that moment may bring!

All for His Glory
We go through different seasons and experiences. Through them all we need to give God the glory. Our lives were created so that we can declare the glory of our gracious Lord! Time for us to surrender our stories to His glory.

It's A Wonderful Day!
A very brief praise from the heart.

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