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Praise & Worship Poems

Glory Hallelujah Lord finalist in poetry contest
This poems gives thanks and praises to the Lord for His wondrous works.

Beyond Compare
Our God is incomparable. May we always realize all that He is and what they means for our daily lives.

Praise the Lord finalist in poetry contest
A prayer praising and giving thanks to the Lord..“Praise the Lord from the heavens;praise him in the heights above.Praise him, all his angels;praise him, all his heavenly hosts.”(Psalm 148:1–2, NIV)

A simple reflection on the beauty of spring and the beauty of God's mercy

Nature’s Melody of Praise
This poem describes the wonder of creation. The praise that flows from nature. The impact God can have if praising Him becomes our focus

Worship; in the Broken
I write poetry mainly for my own personal reflection and to grow in my walk. I want to encourage people to see the wonder of grace. To help them see the beauty of life even in the hard and broken

O' Lord
From the valley of the shadow of death we praise you O' Lord!

Our Unfathomable Friend
I hope the reader will enjoy the way these words roll off the tongue, and I pray this poem will magnify the Lord in the reader's heart and mind!

His Cleansing Word second in poetry contest
The work His word does in us as we read it day to day

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