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Missions & Evangelism Poetry

Engulfed in fire
A poem about Holy Ghost baptism for evangelism.

The Evangelist
This is dedicated to a man I see who faithfully stands on a street corner handing our gospel tracts. In all weathers.

Pave The Way
Pave the way for souls to know God

The Man Who Makes Us Cry
This poem is an experience of what happened to someone whom I know

Serving Jesus
God will put each of us where He needs us.

A Closed Circle
We have seen them or experienced them--church leadership reluctant to new ways of doing things or people, fearing loss of control. But the duty of a church is to help each individual become the best they can be and bring new believers.

Seeking direction from God

Going Fishing first in poetry contest
The Gospel is ready in and out of season, are we?

The Blessing
While we run the race, we need the Gospel as our only uggage.

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